HYALURONIC ACID LONDON ONTARIO, ARBEAU SPORTS MEDICINE CENTRE, neovisc, synvisc, cingal, durolane, sport vis,  arthritis,  painful joint, joint injection

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic Acid is a substance which is naturally found within human joints, skin, and connective tissue. In certain conditions, such as arthritis, the amount of this substance is diminished. Most commonly hyaluronic acid is injected into arthritic joints to provide lubrication and cushioning, which in turn is thought to reduce pain and inflammation. Hyaluronic acid is an option for patients experiencing residual pain and functional limitation despite traditional arthritis treatment strategies. There is also some new exciting evidence for using hyaluronic acid for soft tissue injuries, including sprains and tendonitis.




Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)